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then the project asks you for a donation in favor of the further development.

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(written by Dieter Werner)
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1  General / News / Attackers of the forums
 on: 05/08/23 at 17:15:56 
Started by Dieter Werner | Post by Dieter Werner
It's funny to see how the spammers and hackers are trying to access the forums.
Every day I see several hundred attacks - but the forums are protected by AccessControl and that protection is very efficient - especially when combined with Fail2Ban.
And: the childish scripts used by most of these attackers are really beyond silly.

2  Tips and Tricks / Unsorted / ubuntu linux distro
 on: 07/25/17 at 10:06:11 
Started by osprod | Post by osprod
If you havent herd of ubuntu then it is worth your while to have a look at their linux distributions. Easy to install and or run from a usb device. There is tons of documentation for getting your os working like a new pc should. I have been an avid community supporter for many years now. The main site is located here Multimedia file viewing and clickable links are available for registered members only!!  You need to Login or Register!!
Ubuntu is an open source software operating system that runs from the desktop, to the cloud, to all your internet connected things

3  Tips and Tricks / Unsorted / Re: Auction (Starting Page)
 on: 07/24/17 at 09:49:53 
Started by Dieter Werner | Post by osprod
Frames are old school and cool. Would like to try this with a bootstrap wrap possibly making it mobile friendly Smiley

4  General Public License / The GPL / Re: GNU General Public License (GPL)
 on: 07/24/17 at 09:36:52 
Started by Dieter Werner | Post by osprod
Thanks for posting this in the public domain, good to read and spend time.
I like Linux and not so much win, though I started with win 3.2 lol that was long ago. Had it all backed up on 3.5 floppy disks. New ventures in Web building and like cgi scripts

5  eAuction 1.6.2.x / General Discussion / Re: eAuction 1.6.2.x Beta
 on: 03/03/14 at 14:55:56 
Started by Dieter Werner | Post by ustorda
Good day! Dieter Werner!
My name Alex Zalevski, i'm from Russia.
I'd like to install eAuction script to my domain
I make donation for you! Thank you very much for you work!


Вы отправили платеж для Dieter Werner 27 фев 2014 18:14:52 Москва
Номер квитанции: 2082-0350-2795-6831

Dieter Werner
0201-688195 Инструкции для продавца
Адрес доставки
Zalevski Alexander
Starchaka 1a\1
Информация о доставке
Не указано
Описание Цена за единицу Кол-во Сумма
eAuction Development
Номер товара: eAv1.6.2
$10,00 USD 1 $10,00 USD

Всего:  $10,00 USD
Из суммы:  377,06 RUB
На сумму:  $10,00 USD
Курс обмена:1 RUB = 0,0265212 USD

6  General / Praise & Reproach / Re: In the archive there is no folder auction
 on: 02/12/14 at 18:29:54 
Started by rew56 | Post by Dieter Werner
rew56 wrote on 02/12/14 at 15:30:37:
In the archive there is no folder auction

I don't understand your message.

7  General / Praise & Reproach / In the archive there is no folder auction
 on: 02/12/14 at 15:30:37 
Started by rew56 | Post by rew56
In the archive there is no folder auction

8  eAuction 1.6.1.x / Start Up and more / Re: MOBILE Integration?
 on: 03/05/13 at 11:55:18 
Started by litetouchtech | Post by Dieter Werner
What's your budget?

9  eAuction 1.6.1.x / Start Up and more / MOBILE Integration?
 on: 03/04/13 at 22:22:48 
Started by litetouchtech | Post by litetouchtech
Is this something I can integrate with a responsive or mobile websites? I have a client I am researching this option for.

10  eAuction 1.6.1.x / Discussion of Functions / Re: administration  and closing and posting fees?
 on: 02/08/13 at 17:36:54 
Started by rajarobin@aol.com | Post by agoranomus
Dear Dieter Werner,

I am in here for second time: I am ready for donating in order to get the upgraded version 1.6.2. My intention is to provide a website that includes a eauction-possibility within the german healthcare-System: users should have a tool to bid down offers within the healthcare-system. Part of that benefit should be generated in favour of  webmasters efforts. Regarding this conditions, I dare to wish a tool for:
- bidding down
- generating fees for listing
- generating fees for bidding-success and consecutive buying

More than 2000 views concerning fee-theme should make You think about poviding a fee-generating tool. The whole thing seems to be a very solid and well running program and should be freeware for a further long time. for those who feel and / or have the economic need to generate moderate fees for providing eauction-possibilities along their websites, the download of a fee-generating tool coluld be not free of charge.

Thank You for Your attention

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